What classes does the Farm School offer?

The Farm School offers a toddler class for 2-3.5* year olds on Tuesday and Thursdays from 9am-noon and a Preschool Class for 3.5-5* year olds on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:45am-12:15pm. Please check out the ‘classes’ section of our website for more information. *Children must be the correct age for the class at the start of the school year to qualify for the class. Please contact us if you have questions about which class will be the best fit for your child.  

My child turns 3.5 in the fall. Should they be in the toddler class or the preschool class?  Do they stay in that class all year or transition when they turn 3.5 years old?

Children will be placed in the class that best fits their age at the beginning of the school year. So a child who turns 3.5 in the fall would be eligible for the toddler class this year and the preschool class next year. We work hard to nurture the relationships between the children in a class cohort, so children will stay in the class that they start in for the entire school year.  Please contact us if you have questions about which class will be the best fit for your child.   Occasionally, children may participate in a class that doesn’t fit their age with the support of both the family and the teacher. 

When does the Farm School start and end?

The Farm School loosely follows the Hamilton School District Calendar. 

Being outside is a big part of the Farm School curriculum. Are there times you don’t go outside? 

We go outside daily, rain or shine. The only exceptions are when the temperature is below 10 degrees at outside play time or when the air quality is deemed “unhealthy.” On these days, we will only be outside during our stroll to and from the school building. 

Do you provide snacks or do I bring snacks for my child?

Please send your child with a healthy and nutritious snack and a water bottle each day. Please label each with your child’s name.  Additionally, we will be tasting, baking and cooking with organic produce grown at Homestead Organic Farm and other purchased ingredients. Whenever possible, we will use organic and local ingredients. 

My child isn’t potty trained. Is that ok?

Yes! We believe that potty training is a process and it is best to wait to start until the child is ready. If your child is still in diapers or pull-ups, we ask that you supply us with whatever you use (cloth diapers are wonderful!) and wipes. We will encourage toileting independence whenever you and your child are ready.  Regardless of where your child is on the toileting independence continuum, we ask that you send an extra change of clothes–socks, pants and a shirt–to leave at school in case we need them (we might get wet! We might get muddy!).

How do you handle challenging behavior?

We want all children to be successful at the Farm School and proactively do many things to support this. We work hard to create an environment where our routine helps children know what to expect, where children are engaged, where there are enough toys, and where children are given ongoing practice and reminders of what is expected. We provide a lot of positive reinforcement and model what we expect. However, we know that sometimes, kids need even more. When challenging behavior occurs, we help children learn what to do to “fix” the problem and help them learn what they should do differently next time.  

I’m interested in spending time at the school. Is this possible?

Parents of enrolled children are always welcome to join us for part or all of our day. Members of the community can volunteer after completing our volunteer application and successfully passing a background check.  

Tell me more about the farm and the animals on it.

Homestead Organic Farm is a working organic farm south of Hamilton. In addition to growing a diverse range of produce and having a smattering of farm animals, Homestead operates the Cultivating Connections program, which is a non-profit educational organization that provides real job skills in agriculture and home arts through paid internships, farm tours and CSA (community supported agriculture) food shares. Homestead currently is the home to chickens, pot bellied pigs, geese, turkeys and goats. Click below for more information on the Cultivating Connections program.

What do I do if my child isn’t feeling well?

Please click below for our policy .

I want to know more about the Farm School.   What does a day at the Farm School look like?  

Click below for more information.