Preschool class

Our preschool class builds on the skills learned in the toddler class to prepare young children for elementary school and beyond.

Our days are designed to give ample opportunities to practice kindness, using words to solve problems, and how to be a good friend. We play games, sing songs, and do daily activities to learn about the world around us and to reinforce academic concepts including letter names and sounds, numeracy, foundational math concepts, and science exploration. More importantly, we gather eggs, play in the dirt (and learn about soil), create tasty dishes using vegetables we harvest, help tend to the animals, and explore the abundance of the farm.

Our goal is that all children enter kindergarten as successful learners and friends. 

The preschool class meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:45am-12:15pm and the cost is $240 per month.

Children eligible for the preschool class should be between 3 ½ and 5 at the beginning of the school year.