Each day, we follow a routine to help children learn what is happening and what will happen next. While the actual times that activities occur may vary (because of the weather, the children’s interests, or other factors), the order in which we do the activities will remain the same.  

We will begin our day at the Homestead Organics Parking area. As a class, we will come together and stroll toward our classroom. Along the way, we will welcome the day, greet the farm animals, and we may stop to harvest farm delicacies , collect eggs, or do another farm “chore.” 

When we arrive at our school, children will wash hands and immerse themselves in free play. This time is set up for children to gradually ease into being at school, to talk to me individually, and to play and interact with the toys and friends. 

We will transition from free play to cleanup, which helps children practice responsibility and returning items that they have played with to their spots in the classroom. It also gives children a chance to work together to accomplish a common goal and take pride in completing a job. 

After cleanup, we will come together as a group for circle. During this time, we will sing, count, dance, play games, do finger plays, and learn about subjects of interest to the children. 

In preparation for snack, children will be invited to leave circle and wash hands. This is a time to practice good hygiene and patience while waiting for a turn. 

The whole class will come together to eat a nutritious snack  (each child should bring their own snack and water bottle from home). Children will have the opportunity to sit together at the table, eating with utensils, and using manners at the table. We will also taste the produce we have harvested and eat the food we have created as a class.  

After snack, we will head outdoors for outside play. Children will run, jump, climb, and use their large muscles in a variety of ways. They will be encouraged to play together and enjoy the fresh air. 

When we come in from outdoors, we will complete a whole group activity , often at the table. These activities will give children opportunities to practice a variety of small and large muscle skills including cutting, gluing, painting, drawing, mixing and measuring.  

We will conclude our day with story time and then begin our stroll back to the parking area. Along the way, we will sing our goodbyes. This part of the day is a time to come together as a group, quietly focus, and say goodbye to school and friends.